Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Instructor: Professor Manoj K Harbola, Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur. This is the first course in Quantum Mechanics. The focus of the course is going to be the ideas behind quantum mechanics and its application to simple systems. The course is taught along the lines of development of quantum mechanics so that students get a good feeling about the subject. (from
Lecture 39 - Solution of Schrodinger Equation for a Particle in a Finite Well |
In this lecture we solve the Schrodinger equation for a particle moving a one-dimensional well of finite height. To facilitate solving the equation, we choose the origin in such a way that the potential is symmetric about it. The non-classical feature of the quantum-mechanical solution is that there is a non-zero probability of finding the particle outside the box. The solution is obtained graphically and it is shown that at least one bound-state always exists in such a potential. The problem is also used to define the strength of the potential. On the basis of this it is shown that quantum-mechanically the strength of the potential depends both on its depth and width. The viewer should try to get the same definition on the basis of uncertainty principle and demanding that the kinetic energy of the particle be such that it is bound.
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