
Chemistry 131B: Molecular Structure and Statistical Mechanics

Chemistry 131B: Molecular Structure and Statistical Mechanics (Winter 2013, UC Irvine). Instructor: Professor Rachel Martin. Topics covered include: Principles of quantum mechanics with application to the elements of atomic structure and energy levels, diatomic molecular spectroscopy and structure determination, and chemical bonding in simple molecules.

Lecture 12 - Electronic Spectroscopy Pt. I

Time Lecture Chapters
[00:04:37] 1. Electronic Spectroscopy
[00:11:12] 2. Copper (II) Sulfate (Hydrated)
[00:13:48] 3. Atomic Orbitals
[00:14:05] 4. D-Metal Complexes
[00:15:27] 5. Organic Chromophores
[00:17:45] 6. Absorption Spectroscopy
[00:35:39] 7. Nuclear and Electronic Hamiltonians
[00:37:39] 8. l2 Energy Levels

Go to the Course Home or watch other lectures:

Lecture 01 - Symmetry and Spectroscopy Pt. 1
Lecture 02 - Symmetry and Spectroscopy Pt. 2
Lecture 03 - Transformation Matrices
Lecture 04 - Group Theory Applications
Lecture 05 - Rotational Spectroscopy Pt. I
Lecture 06 - Rotational Spectroscopy Pt. II
Lecture 07 - Rotational Spectroscopy Pt. III
Lecture 08 - Molecular Motion
Lecture 09 - Vibrations in Molecules
Lecture 10 - Anharmonic Potential
Lecture 11 - First Midterm Exam Review
Lecture 12 - Electronic Spectroscopy Pt. I
Lecture 13 - Electronic Spectroscopy Pt. II
Lecture 14 - Electronic Spectroscopy Pt. III
Lecture 15 - Electronic Spectroscopy Pt. IV
Lecture 16 - Fourier Transforms, NMR Intro
Lecture 17 - NMR (Pt. II)
Lecture 18 - Eigenstates & Eigenvalues
Lecture 19 - Spin Rotations T1 & T2
Lecture 20 - NMR Applications/ Review
Lecture 21 - Second Midterm Examination Review
Lecture 22 - The Boltzmann Distribution
Lecture 23 - Partition Functions Pt. 1
Lecture 24 - Partition Functions Pt. 2
Lecture 25 - Statistical Mechanical Examples
Lecture 26 - Final Exam Review