Lecture 16 - Literary Prophecy: Amos. This lecture introduces the literary prophets of both the northern and southern kingdoms. The prophetic books are anthologies of oracles the sequence of which is often determined by literary rather than chronological considerations.
This lecture studies the literary features and major themes of classical Israelite prophecy as evidenced in particular in the book of the eighth-century northern prophet Amos. The prophets denounced moral decay and false piety as directly responsible for the social injustice that outrages God.
While the Deuteronomist blames the nation's misfortunes on acts of idolatry, the prophets stress that the nation will be punished for everyday incidents of immorality. The literary prophets counterbalance their warnings with messages of great hope and consolation.
(from oyc.yale.edu)
Lecture 16 - Literary Prophecy: Amos
Lecture Chapters
1. An Introduction to the Literary Prophets
2. Structure of and Literary Features in the Book of Amos
3. Major Themes in the Book of Amos
4. Differences between Deuteronomistic and Prophetic Interpretations of Israel's History