Lecture 07 - Israel in Egypt: Moses and the Beginning of Yahwism (Genesis 37- Exodus 4). The book of Genesis concludes with the story of Joseph and the descent of the 12 tribes into Egypt, setting the stage for the Exodus in which God is seen as redeemer and liberator.
Moses is the first in a line of apostolic (messenger) prophets and Yahwism is initiated. Mark Smith's thesis describing the emergence of Israelite religion through a process of convergence and divergence is presented as an alternative to the evolutionary-revolutionary dichotomy presented in Lecture 2.
(from oyc.yale.edu)
Lecture 07 - Israel in Egypt: Moses and the Beginning of Yahwism (Genesis 37- Exodus 4)
Lecture Chapters
1. One Who Wrestles: The Significance of Jacob's Name Change
2. The 12 Sons of Jacob: Joseph and His Brothers
3. Exodus: Sequel to Genesis and Myth of Origins for a Nation