
Mind Reading: Human Origins and Theory of Mind

Most humans are able to understand their own mental states and that of others through verbal and nonverbal forms of communication. This "Theory of Mind" allows us to understand one another, in a sense - to read minds. Learn more about the social mind, its evolution and discover if any other animals can also read minds.

What Makes Humans Different? In this talk, Elizabeth Spelke (Harvard Univ) asks whether studies of human infants provide insights into the origins and nature of uniquely human social cognitive capacities. Do the complex social judgments made by human adults develop from, and build on, simpler systems that are functional in infants? And do non-human animals share any of these systems, and therefore serve as models for studies of their development and functioning at multiple levels of analysis? Recent research on human infants suggests tentative answers to these questions.

9. What Makes Humans Different?

Go to the Series Home or watch other lectures:

1. What is Theory of Mind?
2. "Mind Reading" in Chimpanzees
3. Comparing Apes and Dogs
4. The Social Brain in Adolescence
5. Reflections of Dolphin and Elephant Minds
6. Mirror Neurons and More
7. Brain Imaging Studies
8. Emergence of Theory of Mind in Human Babies
9. What Makes Humans Different?