
Is the Human Mind Unique?

Scientists from many different fields gathered to discuss cognitive abilities often regarded as unique to humans including humor, morality, symbolism, creativity, and preoccupation with the minds of others. Emphasis was placed on the functional uniqueness of these attributes, as opposed to the anatomical uniqueness, and whether these attributes are indeed quantitatively or qualitatively unique to humans. (from

Archaeological Evidence for Mind. Colin Renfrew (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research) discusses the "Sapient Paradox." The genetic basis of humankind was established 200,000 years ago, and yet the tectonic phase of human development is only 10,000 years old. So what took so long?

5. Archaeological Evidence for Mind

Go to the Series Home or watch other lectures:

1. Symbolic Communication: Why is Human Thought so Flexible?
2. Desperately Seeking Explanation
3. An Evolved and Creative Mind
4. Humor
5. Archaeological Evidence for Mind
6. Entering the 'Soul Niche'
7. Skilled Performance and Artistry
8. Moral Sense
9. Inter-Modular Interactions, Metaphor, and the 'Great Leap'