
A Bigger Picture: Global Scale Environmental Challenges

Scratching the Surface? Looking from Space at Human Impact on Earth. Recent developments in space technology have allowed us to view the Earth in new ways, and to identify our impact on land, atmosphere, oceans and freshwater in astonishing detail. Our planet's fragility as a life support system is being revealed today in ways that would not have been anticipated even twenty years ago. The lecture will explore some of the science behind these observations, show a range of the curious and beautiful imagery being generated, and ask questions about the opportunities and risks of this type of environmental surveillance.

Professor Carolyn Roberts is the first Frank Jackson Professor of the Environment at Gresham College. She is also a Senior Scientist at the UK Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), which links business and universities in order to promote research and innovation in environmental technologies. (from

1. Scratching the Surface? Looking from Space at Human Impact on Earth

Go to the Course Home or watch other lectures:

1. Scratching the Surface? Looking from Space at Human Impact on Earth
2. Hotting up: Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change in the 21st Century
3. Something in the Air: The Insidious Challenge of Air Pollution
4. Under the Sea: What's Happening in Our Oceans?
5. The Environmental Challenges of Megacities
6. All Must Have Prizes: Citizen Science and the Environment