
Cosmic Concepts

The End of Matter? Black holes give rise to some of the most spectacular phenomena we see in the cosmos. They significantly distort space-time and they grow by stealing material from other stars. This talk will separate science fiction from science fact and elucidate what we know about these mysterious objects, and how they have shaped, and continue to shape, our Universe.

Katherine Blundell was appointed Gresham Professor of Astronomy in 2019. She is a Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University and a Research Fellow at St John's College. (from

Lecture 3 - The End of Matter?

Go to the Series Home or watch other lectures:

Lecture 1 - Faster than Light?
Lecture 2 - Frozen in Time?
Lecture 3 - The End of Matter?
Lecture 4 - Shapes of Free Fall
Lecture 5 - Simple Laws, Spectacular Astrophysics
Lecture 6 - Perceptions, Expectations, and Discoveries