
SOCY 151: Foundations of Modern Social Theory

Lecture 01 - Introduction. Professor Szelenyi introduces the course to the students. Then he introduces each social thinker we will cover in the course: Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Weber, and Durkheim. He provides an overview of their biographies, their major works, and their major contributions. (from

Lecture 01 - Introduction

Time Lecture Chapters
[00:00:00] 1. Introduction: An Interdisciplinary Approach
[00:14:36] 2. Hobbes: The Troublemaker
[00:19:07] 3. Locke's Separation of Powers
[00:21:50] 4. The Adventurous Life and Work of Montesquieu
[00:27:00] 5. Rousseau: The Renaissance Man
[00:34:17] 6. The Two Adam Smiths
[00:37:58] 7. Mill's (Revisionist) Utilitarianism
[00:40:51] 8. The Well-Known Marx
[00:41:51] 9. Nietzsche: The First Post-modern Theorist
[00:43:12] 10. Brief Overviews on Freud, Weber and Durkheim

Lecture 1 - Introduction
Instructor: Professor Ivan Szelenyi. Transcript [html]. Audio [mp3]. Download Video [mov].

Go to the Course Home or watch other lectures:

Lecture 01 - Introduction
Lecture 02 - Hobbes: Authority, Human Rights and Social Order
Lecture 03 - Locke: Equality, Freedom, Property and the Right to Dissent
Lecture 04 - The Division of Powers- Montesquieu
Lecture 05 - Rousseau: Popular Sovereignty and General Will
Lecture 06 - Rousseau on State of Nature and Education
Lecture 07 - Utilitarianism and Liberty, John Stuart Mill
Lecture 08 - Smith: The Invisible Hand
Lecture 09 - Marx's Theory of Alienation
Lecture 10 - Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism (1)
Lecture 11 - Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism (cont.)
Lecture 12 - Marx's Theory of History
Lecture 13 - Marx's Theory of Class and Exploitation
Lecture 14 - Nietzsche on Power, Knowledge and Morality
Lecture 15 - Freud on Sexuality and Civilization
Lecture 16 - Weber on Protestantism and Capitalism
Lecture 17 - Conceptual Foundations of Weber's Theory of Domination
Lecture 18 - Weber on Traditional Authority
Lecture 19 - Weber on Charismatic Authority
Lecture 20 - Weber on Legal-Rational Authority
Lecture 21 - Weber's Theory of Class
Lecture 22 - Durkheim and Types of Social Solidarity
Lecture 23 - Durkheim's Theory of Anomie
Lecture 24 - Durkheim on Suicide
Lecture 25 - Durkheim and Social Facts