
8.821 String Theory and Holographic Duality

8.821 String Theory and Holographic Duality (Fall 2014, MIT OCW). Instructor: Professor Hong Liu. This string theory course focuses on holographic duality (also known as gauge/gravity duality or AdS/CFT) as a novel method of approaching and connecting a range of diverse subjects, including quantum gravity/black holes, QCD at extreme conditions, exotic condensed matter systems, and quantum information. (from

Lecture 20 - Euclidean Correlation Functions: Two-point Functions

In this lecture, Prof. Liu first motivates a prescription for obtaining Euclidean correlation functions of the boundary theory from bulk gravity. He then discusses in details the computation of two-point functions as an illustration of how the prescription works.

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Lecture 01 - Emergence of Gravity
Lecture 02 - Classical Black Hole Geometry
Lecture 03 - Causal Structure of a Black Hole and Black Hole Temperature
Lecture 04 - Physical Interpretation of Black Hole Temperature
Lecture 05 - Black Hole Thermodynamics
Lecture 06 - Holographic Principle
Lecture 07 - Structure of Large-N Expansion
Lecture 08 - Large-N Expansion as a String Theory, Part I
Lecture 09 - Large-N Expansion as a String Theory, Part II
Lecture 10 - Basics of String Theory and Light-cone Gauge
Lecture 11 - String Theory in the Light-Cone Gauge
Lecture 12 - String Spectrum and Graviton
Lecture 13 - Physics of D-branes, Part I
Lecture 14 - Physics of D-branes, Part II
Lecture 15 - Physics of D-branes, Part III
Lecture 16 - Geometry of D-branes and AdS/CFT Conjecture
Lecture 17 - More on AdS/CFT Duality
Lecture 18 - General Aspects of the Duality
Lecture 19 - Mass-dimension Relation
Lecture 20 - Euclidean Correlation Functions: Two-point Functions
Lecture 21 - Euclidean Correlation Functions: Higher-point Functions
Lecture 22 - Computation of the Wilson Loop
Lecture 23 - Duality at a Finite Temperature and Finite Chemical Potential
Lecture 24 - Holographic Entanglement Entropy