
Introduction to Composites

Introduction to Composites. Instructor: Dr. Nachiketa Tiwari, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. This course is intended for all those who want to conduct experiments in area of NVH. Thus, the course is open to students of engineering and science, and also to all those who from the industry and research organizations - who are working in area of sound, NVH and acoustics. Each lecture will be followed by a quiz, which will help student the concepts better, and gain deeper insights to measurement process. The course is fairly generic so that there is no need for a particular background. Rather, what is needed is openness, and ability to learn and check out new ideas with comfort. (from

Lecture 27 - Modeling of Unidirectional Composites

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Lecture 01 - Definition of the Composite Materials
Lecture 02 - Composite Materials and its Applications
Lecture 03 - Classification of the Composite Materials
Lecture 04 - What Makes Fiber So Strong?
Lecture 05 - Advantages and Limitations of Composite Materials
Lecture 06 - Properties of the Composite Materials
Lecture 07 - Different Types of Fiber
Lecture 08 - Production Process and Different Types of Glass Fiber
Lecture 09 - Graphite Fibers
Lecture 10 - Aramid and Boron Fibers
Lecture 11 - Ceramic Fibers
Lecture 12 - Matrix - Properties and Classifications
Lecture 13 - Polymers as Matrix Material and its Classification
Lecture 14 - Thermoset and Thermoplastic Matrix Materials
Lecture 15 - Properties of Thermoset and Thermoplastic Materials
Lecture 16 - Thermoset Materials and its Production Methods
Lecture 17 - Thermoplastics and Metals as Matrix Materials
Lecture 18 - Ceramic, Carbon Matrix Materials, and Filler Materials
Lecture 19 - What is an Appropriate Fabrication Process of a Composite?
Lecture 20 - Fabrication of Thermoset Composites
Lecture 21 - Hand Lay-Up Process
Lecture 22 - Bag Molding Process
Lecture 23 - Resin Transfer Molding Process
Lecture 24 - Fabrication of Thermoplastic, Metal and Ceramic Matrix based Composites
Lecture 25 - Terminologies and Basic Concepts
Lecture 26 - Orthotropic Material
Lecture 27 - Modeling of Unidirectional Composites
Lecture 28 - Composite Density as a Function of Mass Fraction and Volume Fraction
Lecture 29 - Calculation of Longitudinal Modulus for Unidirectional Composites
Lecture 30 - Failure Modes of Unidirectional Composite
Lecture 31 - Failure of Unidirectional Lamina
Lecture 32 - Minimum Volume Fraction and Critical Volume Fraction
Lecture 33 - Example based on Failure of Composite Material
Lecture 34 - Example based on Minimum and Critical Volume Fraction
Lecture 35 - Transverse Modulus of Unidirectional Composite
Lecture 36 - Halpin-Tsai Relation for Transverse Modulus
Lecture 37 - Transverse Modulus of Unidirectional Composites
Lecture 38 - Transverse Strength of Unidirectional Composites
Lecture 39 - Poisson's Ratio of Unidirectional Composites
Lecture 40 - Failure Modes of Composite Materials
Lecture 41 - Failure Modes of Composite Materials (cont.)
Lecture 42 - Other Properties
Lecture 43 - Concept of Tensor
Lecture 44 - Stress Transformation (Two Dimensional)
Lecture 45 - Analysis of Specially Orthotropic Lamina
Lecture 46 - Analysis of Generally Orthotropic Lamina
Lecture 47 - Transformation of Engineering Constants
Lecture 48 - Transformation of Engineering Constants (cont.)
Lecture 49 - Variation of Elastic Constants with respect to Fiber Orientation for Generally Orthotropic Lamina
Lecture 50 - Generally Orthotropic Lamina
Lecture 51 - Generalized Hooke's Law for Anisotropic Materials
Lecture 52 - Generalized Hooke's Law for Anisotropic Materials (cont.)
Lecture 53 - Elastic Constants for Specially Orthotropic Materials
Lecture 54 - Elastic Constants for Specially Orthotropic Materials in Plane Stress
Lecture 55 - Relation between Engineering Constants and Elements of Stiffness and Compliance Matrices
Lecture 56 - Relation between Engineering Constants and Elements of Stiffness and Compliance Matrices (cont.)
Lecture 57 - Stress-Strain Relations for a Lamina with Arbitrary Orientation
Lecture 58 - Stress-Strain Relations for a Lamina with Arbitrary Orientation (cont.)
Lecture 59 - Strength of an Orthotropic Lamina
Lecture 60 - Importance of Sign of Shear Stress in Context of Strength of a Unidirectional Lamina
Lecture 61 - Strain Displacement Relations for a Laminate
Lecture 62 - Stress-Strain Relations for Individual Layers of a Laminate
Lecture 63 - Resultant Forces and Moments
Lecture 64 - Relations between Force and Moment Resultant and Midplane Strains and Curvatures
Lecture 65 - Physical Significance of Extensional Stiffness Matrix, Coupling Matrix and Bending Stiffness Matrix
Lecture 66 - Lamination Sequence (Standard Laminate Code)
Lecture 67 - Calculation of A, B and D Matrices
Lecture 68 - Simplification of Stiffness Matrices
Lecture 69 - Simplification of Stiffness Matrices (cont.)
Lecture 70 - Quasi-Isotropic Laminates
Lecture 71 - Quasi-Isotropic Laminates (cont.)
Lecture 72 - Failure of Composite Laminates