Public Health 194A: Clinical and Translational Research Preparatory-A
Public Health 194A: Clinical and Translational Research Preparatory-A (Fall 2012, UC Irvine). Clinical and Translational Research Preparatory-A (CTR-A) is the first course in a series in which students will have the unique opportunity to participate in clinical research on multiple studies. Students will be exposed to the philosophies of the National Institutes of Health and have the opportunity to learn how the rapidly evolving field of clinical and translational science is changing the future of healthcare in the United States.
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PUBHLTH 194A LEC A: CLNCL RSRCH PREP I, Fall 2012 Class Information. Class Files. Clinical and Translational Research Preparatory-A (CTR-A) is the first course in a series in which students will have the unique opportunity to participate in clinical research on multiple studies. |