Applied Engineering Electromagnetics
Applied Engineering Electromagnetics. Instructor: Dr. Pradeep Kumar K, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Applied electromagnetics for engineers is designed to be an application oriented course while covering all the theoretical concepts of modern electromagnetics. It begins by an in-depth study of transmission lines which play an important role in high-speed digital design and signal integrity of PCBs. After a brief review of necessary mathematics (coordinate systems, vector analysis, and vector fields), the course covers analytical and numerical solution of Laplace's and Poisson's equations, quasi-static analysis of capacitors and skin effect, inductance calculations, and Maxwell equations. Wave propagation in free-space, ferrites, and periodic media are covered along with waveguides (rectangular, planar dielectric, and optical fibers) and antennas. The course includes a balance between theory, programming, and applications. Several case studies will be discussed. (from
Lecture 23 - Why Electromagnetics? |
Topics Covered in this lecture: 1. Describing one, two, and three dimensional rectangular Cartesian coordinate systems. 2. Position vectors and unit vectors. Scalar/Dot product of vectors and perpendicular vectors.
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