Analog Electronic Circuits
Analog Electronic Circuits. Instructor: Prof. Shouribrata Chatterjee, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. This is a basic analog electronics course. The most important objective for electronic circuits is to build an amplifier. This course will develop the principles behind the design of an amplifier. You should be able to design an operational-amplifier independently well before the end of the course. The course will use MOS devices exclusively. Other analog circuit building blocks such as voltage regulators and power amplifiers will also be discussed.
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Lecture 32 - Compensation
Go to the Course Home or watch other lectures:
Lecture 01 - Introduction
Lecture 02 - Diodes, Introduction to the Transistor
Lecture 03 - MOS Device, Characteristics
Lecture 04 - DC Operating Point
Lecture 05 - DC Operating Point, Amplifier Design
Lecture 06 - Common Source Amplifier, Small Signal Analysis
Lecture 07 - Common Gate, Common Drain
Lecture 08 - Common Gate Circuit
Lecture 09 - Source Degenerated Amplifier
Lecture 10 - Swing Limits
Lecture 11 - Swing Limits (cont.), Multi-transistor Amplifiers
Lecture 12 - Multi-transistor Amplifiers
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Current Sources
Lecture 14 - Current Sources/Mirrors
Lecture 15 - Current Sources, Biasing
Lecture 16 - Differential Circuits
Lecture 17 - Differential Amplifiers
Lecture 18 - Differential Amplifiers (cont.)
Lecture 19 - Differential Amplifiers (cont.)
Lecture 20 - Self Biased Active Load, Differential Amplifier
Lecture 21 - Cascode Differential Amplifier, Two Stage Amplifiers
Lecture 22 - Two Stage Differential Amplifiers, Op-Amps
Lecture 23 - Op-Amps and OTAs
Lecture 24 - Circuits with Op-Amps
Lecture 25 - Capacitance in MOS Devices
Lecture 26 - Common Source, Drain, Gate (Revisited)
Lecture 27 - Common Gate, Common Drain with Capacitances
Lecture 28 - Cascode and Cascade Amplifier - Revisited with Capacitance
Lecture 29 - Cascade Amplifier (with Capacitance)
Lecture 30 - Diversion: 2-pole Systems Phase Margin
Lecture 31 - Diversion: 2-pole Systems
Lecture 32 - Compensation
Lecture 33 - Op-Amp Design with Compensation
Lecture 34 - Unity Gain Bandwidth
Lecture 35 - Power Amplification
Lecture 36 - Power Amplifiers
Lecture 37 - Power Amplifiers - Class A, B, AB, C and D
Lecture 38 - Class D Amplifiers, Push-pull Amplifiers
Lecture 39 - Introduction to Voltage Regulators
Lecture 40 - Voltage Regulators - Line and Load Regulation