
Introduction to Programming in C

Introduction to Programming in C. Instructor: Prof. Satyadev Nandakumar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Programming nowadays is considered a basic skill similar to mathematics that is needed across all disciplines including engineering and sciences and even the arts. The goal of this course is to learn how to code basic programs in the C programming language. Topics covered in the lectures include: variables, conditionals and loops, data types and operators, functions, arrays and pointers, recursion, multidimensional arrays, structures and linked lists. (from

Lecture 12 - While Loop Example: Longest Increasing Subsequence (cont.)

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Lecture 01 - Introduction: Process of Programming
Lecture 02 - GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) Algorithm
Lecture 03 - Programming Cycle
Lecture 04 - Tracing a Simple Programming
Lecture 05 - Introduction to Variables
Lecture 06 - Variables
Loop Constructs
Lecture 07 - Loops - The While Statement
Lecture 08 - While Loop Example
Lecture 09 - While Loop Example: GCD
Lecture 10 - While Loop Example: Longest Increasing Subsequence
Lecture 11 - While Loop Example: Longest Increasing Subsequence (cont.)
Lecture 12 - While Loop Example: Longest Increasing Subsequence (cont.)
Lecture 13 - Do While Loop
Lecture 14 - A Matrix Problem Nested Loops
Lecture 15 - For Loops
Lecture 16 - A Matrix Problem Nested For Loops
Lecture 17 - The Break Statement
Lecture 18 - The Continue Statement
Lecture 19 - The Continue Statement Example: Finding Pythagorean Triples
Data Types and Operators
Lecture 20 - Data Types in C
Lecture 21 - The ASCII Code
Lecture 22 - C Operators and Expressions - Associativity of Operators
Lecture 23 - Precedence of C Operators
Lecture 24 - Expression Evaluation - Comma Operator
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Functions
Lecture 26 - How Functions Are Executed
Lecture 27 - Some Examples on Functions
Lecture 28 - Some Examples on Functions (cont.)
Arrays and Pointers
Lecture 29 - Arrays in C
Lecture 30 - Initializing Arrays
Lecture 31 - Initializing Character Arrays
Lecture 32 - Pointers in C
Lecture 33 - Pointer Arithmetic
Lecture 34 - Functions with Point Arguments
Lecture 35 - Example Function to Copy a Subarray to Another
Lecture 36 - Programming Using Arrays and Pointers
Lecture 37 - Sizeof Operator
Lecture 38 - Returning Pointers from Functions
Lecture 39 - Example for Returning Pointers - Return the Duplicate of a String
Lecture 40 - Linear Recursion
Lecture 41 - Linear Recursion (cont.)
Lecture 42 - Two-Way Recursion
Multidimensional Arrays
Lecture 43 - Multidimensional Arrays
Lecture 44 - Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers
Lecture 45 - Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers (cont.)
Lecture 46 - Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers (cont.)
Lecture 47 - File Handling
Lecture 48 - Some Other File Handling Functions
Structures and Linked Lists
Lecture 49 - Structures in C
Lecture 50 - Structures in C (cont.)
Lecture 51 - Singly Linked Lists
Lecture 52 - Doubly Linked Lists: Introduction
Lecture 53 - Organizing Code into Multiple Files
Lecture 54 - Organizing Code into Multiple Files (cont.)
Lecture 55 - Preincrement, Postincrement, Predecrement, and Postdecrement Operators