
Concept of Management and Evolution of Management Thought

Concept of Management and Evolution of Management Thought. Instructor: Prof. K. B. Akhilesh, Department of Management Studies, IISc Bangalore. This course can help you know and understand the concept and functions of management, know and understand how management has evolved, and know the major contributors in the field of management and their contributions. This course covers lessons on organizing, coordinating, communication, leadership, motivation and organization culture, management and society, performance appraisal, organization theory and stress management. (from

Lecture 13 - Comparison of Japanese and American Management

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Lecture 01 - Introduction - Evolution of Management Thought
Lecture 02 - Functions of Management: Planning
Lecture 03 - Management by Objectives
Lecture 04 - Organizing and Organization
Lecture 05 - Organizing and Organization (cont.)
Lecture 06 - Coordinating
Lecture 07 - Communication
Lecture 08 - Communication (cont.)
Lecture 09 - Leadership
Lecture 10 - Controlling
Lecture 11 - Motivation and Organization Culture
Lecture 12 - Japanese Management
Lecture 13 - Comparison of Japanese and American Management
Lecture 14 - Managerial Functions in International Business
Lecture 15 - Marketing Functions: Channels of Distribution
Lecture 16 - Management and Society: Social Responsibility and Ethics
Lecture 17 - Management and Society: Social Responsibility and Ethics (cont.)
Lecture 18 - Functions of Personnel Management
Lecture 19 - Manpower Planning
Lecture 20 - Recruitment and Selection Process
Lecture 21 - Recruitment and Selection Process (cont.)
Lecture 22 - Performance Appraisal
Lecture 23 - Performance Appraisal (cont.)
Lecture 24 - Training and Development
Lecture 25 - Training and Development (cont.)
Lecture 26 - Job Design and Payment Systems
Lecture 27 - Job Design and Compensation Systems
Lecture 28 - Organizational Development
Lecture 29 - Organizational Development (cont.)
Lecture 30 - Organization Theory
Lecture 31 - Organization Theory (cont.)
Lecture 32 - Group Dynamics I
Lecture 33 - Group Dynamics II
Lecture 34 - Group Dynamics III
Lecture 35 - Conflict Management
Lecture 36 - Conflict Management (cont.)
Lecture 37 - Managing Creativity and Innovation
Lecture 38 - Creativity and Managing Innovation Process
Lecture 39 - Stress Management
Lecture 40 - Stress Management (cont.)