World War II In HD Colour
World War II In HD Colour is a thirteen-part documentary series narrated by Robert Powell, recounting the events of World War II from its beginning to the end of the war. The series covers the Western Front, Eastern Front, and the Pacific War - in full color - combining a new collection of rare and unseen footage of World War II and the very latest colorization techniques. It contains newly divulged documents, files and photographs, code breaking revelations, and recently released government papers on both sides of the Atlantic, which help us better-understand the strategies and battles of World War II.
Episode 08 - The Soviet Stream Roller |
After Hitler's gamble in the East fails, failing to defeat Stalingrad and Moscow, the Soviet Union, with its vast resources and armies, starts to slowly push back and grow. Hitler is now on the defense on 2/3 of his fronts.
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