
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Episode 12 - The World Set Free. This episode explores the nature of the greenhouse effect (discovered by Joseph Fourier and Svante Arrhenius), and the evidence demonstrating the existence of global warming from humanity's influence. Tyson begins by describing the long-term history of the planet Venus; based on readings from the Venera series of probes to the planet, the planet had once had an ocean and an atmosphere, but due to the release of carbon dioxide from volcanic eruptions, the runaway greenhouse effect on Venus caused the surface temperatures to increase and boiled away the oceans.

Tyson then notes the delicate nature of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can influence Earth's climate due to the greenhouse effect, and that levels of carbon dioxide have been increasing since the start of the 20th century. Evidence has shown this to be from humankind's consumption of oil, coal, and gas instead of from volcanic eruptions due to the isotopic signature of the carbon dioxide. The increase in carbon dioxide has led to an increase in temperatures, in turn leading to positive feedback loops of the melting polar ice caps and dethawing of the permafrost to increase carbon dioxide levels.

Tyson then notes that humans have discovered means of harvesting solar power, such as Augustin Mouchot's solar-driven motor in the 19th century, and Frank Shuman's solar-based steam generator in the 1910s. Tyson points out that in both cases, the economics and ease of using cheap coal and oil caused these inventions to be overlooked at the time. Today, solar and wind-power systems would be able to collect enough solar energy from the sun easily. Tyson then compares the motivation for switching to these cleaner forms of energy to the efforts of the Space race and emphasizes that it is not too late for humanity to correct its course. (from

Episode 12 - The World Set Free

Go to Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Home or watch other episodes:

Episode 01 - Standing Up in the Milky Way
Episode 02 - Some of the Things that Molecules Do
Episode 03 - When Knowledge Conquered Fear
Episode 04 - A Sky Full of Ghosts
Episode 05 - Hiding in the Light
Episode 06 - Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Still
Episode 07 - The Clean Room
Episode 08 - Sisters of the Sun
Episode 09 - The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth
Episode 10 - The Electric Boy
Episode 11- The Immortals
Episode 12 - The World Set Free
Episode 13 - Unafraid of the Dark