
The Life of Birds

Episode 07 - Finding Partners. This episode discusses mating rituals. If a male bird is on the lookout for a partner and has a suitable nest, it must advertise the fact, either by its call, a visual display or both. The frigatebird provides an example of the latter, with its inflated throat pouch. The hornbill's courtship, among that of many others, also runs to the offer of a gift. For some species, dancing can also be an important component, and grebes are shown performing a pas de deux. The cock-of-the-rock, which dances solo within a group, is contrasted with the team performance of the manakin. Once trust has been established between a pair, mutual preening can follow. (from

Episode 07 - Finding Partners

Go to The Life of Birds Home or watch other episodes:

Episode 01 - To Fly or Not to Fly?
Episode 02 - The Mastery of Flight
Episode 03 - The Insatiable Appetite
Episode 04 - Meat-Eaters
Episode 05 - Fishing for a Living
Episode 06 - Signals and Songs
Episode 07 - Finding Partners
Episode 08 - The Demands of the Egg
Episode 09 - The Problems of Parenthood
Episode 10 - The Limits of Endurance