Planet Earth
The Planet Earth is a BBC nature documentary series narrated by David Attenborough, looking at a global overview of different habitats on Earth. The series consists of eleven episodes which cover various different types of wildlife habitats on our planet such as mountains, caves, deserts, and the polar regions.
Episode 02 - Mountains. This episode focuses on the mountains. All the main ranges are explored with extensive aerial photography. Ethiopia's Erta Ale is the longest continually erupting volcano - for over 100 years. On the nearby highlands, geladas (the only primate whose diet is almost entirely of grass)
inhabit precipitous slopes nearly five kilometres (3 mi) up, in troops that are 800-strong: the most numerous of their kind. Alongside them live the critically endangered walia ibex, and both species take turns to act as lookout for predatory Ethiopian wolves.
Episode 02 - Mountains |
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