Biology: The Science of Life
Biology: The Science of Life consists of 72 lectures taught by Professor Stephen Nowicki, emphasizing the
importance of broad principles in biology. The lecture course explores the fundamental principles of how
living things work, such as evolution by natural selection, the DNA theory of inheritance, and the idea of
how single cells become complex organisms. The lecture set is divided into three sections:
Section I (Lectures 1 - 24): Information & Evolution -
how information about the structure and organization of living things is found in the DNA molecule, how this information
is transmitted and modified, and the implications of these processes for understanding life.
Section II (Lectures 25 - 48): Development & Homeostasis -
how single cells (fertilized eggs) proliferate and transform into complex, multicellular organisms, and how the various
parts of complex organisms remain coordinated and maintain their integrity in the face of different challenges.
Section III (Lectures 49 - 72): Energy and Resources -
how living systems obtain the energy and other materials needed to maintain their highly ordered state, How molecules control
the use of that energy.
Section I (Lectures 1 - 24): Information & Evolution |
Section II (Lectures 25 - 48): Development & Homeostasis |
Section III (Lectures 49 - 72): Energy and Resources |