
Physics 111 - Advanced Lab

Physics 111 Advanced Applied Laboratory is an intensive 3-unit laboratory course for 3rd- and 4th-year physics students at the University of California, Berkeley. It follows the Physics 111 Basic Semiconductor Circuits course, which introduces students to electronics, measurement techniques, signal processing, computerized data acquisition, and control. With these tools, students in the Advanced Lab section of Physics 111 undertake four experiments, each taking 2-4 weeks to perform. The students select these experiments from 20 or so experiments permanently set up in the Lab. They represent a wide range of topics and techniques used in experimental physics. (from

Atomic Physics Part 1. Balmer Series

01. Atomic Physics Part 1: Balmer Series
02. Atomic Physics Part 2: Zeeman Effect
03. Beta Ray Spectroscopy
04. Brownian Motion in Cells
05. Instrumentation Section Lab Equipment
06. Bubble Chamber
07. Carbon Dioxide Laser
08. Compton Scattering
09. Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
10. Hall Effect In A Plasma
11. Holography
12. Introduction to Error Analysis
13. Josephson Junction Effect
14. Radiation and Laboratory Safety
15. Laser Safety
16. Atomic Physics Theory Lecture
17. Energy Levels Lecture Part 1
18. Energy Levels Lecture Part 2
19. Light Sources and Detectors Lecture
20. Optical Instruments Lecture
21. Energy Transitions Lecture Series
22. Laser Induced Fluorescence and Raman Scattering
23. Low Light Signal Measurements
24. Non-Linear Spectroscopy and Magneto-Optics Part 1
25. Non-Linear Spectroscopy and Magneto-Optics Part 2
26. Atom Trapping
27. Muon Lifetime
28. Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos
29. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Part 1: Continuous Wave
30. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Part 2: Pulsed NMR
31. Optical Pumping
32. How to do an Oral Report
33. Optical Trapping
34. Rutherford Scattering
35. Hall Effect In A Semiconductor
36. Soldering Technique
37. X-Ray Crystallography

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Physics 111 Advanced Lab
Physics 111 Advanced Applied Laboratory is an intensive 3-unit laboratory course for 3rd- and 4th-year physics students at the University of California, Berkeley.