

This provides a comprehensive collection of audio/video courses and lectures in physics from educational institutions around the world. The courses and lectures cover various subjects in physics: general physics, classical mechanics, modern physics, quantum mechanics, neutrino physics, particle physics, plasma physics, statistical mechanics, astronomy and cosmology, quantum chromodynamics, string theory, field theory, quantum field theory, quantum electronics, electricity and magnetism, general relativity, special relativity, and mathematical physics.

MIT OpenCourseWare
Video/text 8.01 - Physics I: Classical Mechanics
Video/text 8.02 - Electricity and Magnetism
Video/text 8.03 - Physics III: Vibrations and Waves
Video/text 8.03SC - Physics III: Vibrations and Waves (Fall 2016)
Video/text 8.04 - Quantum Physics I (Spring 2016)
Video/text 8.04 - Quantum Physics I (Spring 2013)
Video/text 8.05 - Quantum Physics II
Video/text 8.06 - Quantum Physics III
Video/text 8.224 - Exploring Black Holes: General Relativity & Astrophysics
Video/text 8.286 - The Early Universe
Video/text 8.323 - Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I
Video/text 8.333 - Statistical Mechanics I
Video/text 8.334 - Statistical Mechanics II
Video/text 8.421 - Atomic and Optical Physics I
Video/text 8.422 - Atomic and Optical Physics II
Video/text 8.821 - String Theory and Holographic Duality
Video/text 8.851 - Effective Field Theory
Video/text 8.962 General Relativity
Video/text STS.042J - Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century
Video/text 22.67J - Principles of Plasma Diagnostics (Fall 2023)
Video/text 2.71 - Optics
Video/text Res.6-001 - Electromagnetic Fields and Energy
Video Res.6-005 - Understanding Lasers and Fiberoptics

Stanford on YouTube
Video/text Classical Mechanics (Fall 2007)
Video Classical Mechanics (Fall 2011)
Video Quantum Mechanics (Winter 2008)
Video Quantum Mechanics (Winter 2012)
Video Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Fall 2013)
Video Special Relativity and Electrodynamics (Spring 2008)
Video Special Relativity and Electrodynamics (Spring 2012)
Video Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (Fall 2008)
Video General Relativity (Fall 2012)
Video Cosmology (Winter 2009)
Video Cosmology (Winter 2013)
Video Statistical Mechanics (Spring 2009)
Video Statistical Mechanics (Spring 2013)
Video Particle Physics 1: Basic Concepts (Fall 2009)
Video Particle Physics 2: Standard Model (Spring 2010)
Video Particle Physics 3: Supersymmetry and Grand Unification (Spring 2010)
Video String Theory and M-Theory (Fall 2010)
Video Topics in String Theory (Cosmology and Black Holes) (Winter 2011)
Video/text Quantum Entanglements, Part 1 (Fall 2006)
Video/text Relativity (Spring 2007)

Open Yale courses
Audio/video PHYS 200: Fundamentals of Physics I (Fall 2006)
Audio/video PHYS 201: Fundamentals of Physics II (Spring 2010)
Audio/video ASTR 160: Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics (Spring 2007)

Podcasts from the University of Oxford
Video/text Quamtum Mechanics

UC Berkeley Webcast
Video Physics 8A - Introductory Physics (Spring 2013)
Video Physics 10 - Physics for Future Presidents (Spring 2006)
Video Physics C10 - Descriptive Introduction to Physics (Spring 2015)
Video Physics 111 - Advanced Lab
Video Physics 112 - Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics (Spring 2012)
Video/text Physics 221A - Quantum Mechanics (Fall 2010)
Video Astronomy 10 - Introduction to General Astronomy (Fall 2011)
Video Astronomy C12 - The Planets
Video Astronomy C13 - Origins: From the Big Bang to the Emergence of Humans
Video/text AST210 - Soft X-Rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation
Video/text EE 290F - Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Science Applications

UCI OpenCourseWare
Video/text Physics 20B - Cosmology (Winter 2015)
Video/text Physics 20B - Cosmology (Winter 2013)
Video/text Physics 20E - Life in the Universe
Video Physics 50 - Math Methods
Video/text Physics 255 - Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation

Missouri State University on YouTube
Video AST 114 - Survey of Astronomy

Open Education Edinburgh on YouTube
Video Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

California State University Dominguez Hills on YouTube
Video PHY 100 - Patterns in Nature (Spring 2011)
Video PHY 195 - Introduction to Planetary Science and Astronomy

Richard Feynman Lectures
Text The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Vol I, II & III)
Video The Character of Physical Law (1964 Messenger Lectures at Cornell University)
Video The Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures (from the University of Auckland in New Zealand)

NPTEL Courses
Video Astrophysics and Cosmology
Video Nuclear Astrophysics
Video Introduction to Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Video Introduction to Classical Mechanics
Video Physics I - Oscillations & Waves
Video Waves and Oscillations
Video Mechanics, Heat, Oscillations and Waves
Video Classical Physics
Video Special Topics in Classical Mechanics
Video Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics
Video Thermal Physics
Video Physics of Turbulence
Video Theoretical Mechanics
Video Classical Field Theory
Video Physics through Computational Thinking
Video Engineering Physics I: Optics, Thermodynamics, Acoustics, etc.
Video Engineering Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
Video Introduction to Electromagnetism
Video Electromagnetic Theory
Video Electromagnetism
Video Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Video Quantum Physics
Video Quantum Mechanics I
Video Quantum Mechanics and Applications
Video Advanced Quantum Mechanics with Applications
Video Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Video Quantum Electronics
Video Quantum Field Theory
Video Path Integral and Functional Methods in Quantum Field Theory
Video Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Fields
Video Quantum Information and Computing
Video Quantum Technology and Quantum Phenomena in Microscopic Systems
Video Special Theory of Relativity
Video Mathematical Methods in Physics I
Video Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics
Video Physical Applications of Stochastic Processes
Video Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
Video Statistical Mechanics
Video Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Video Special Topics in Atomic Physics
Video Special Topics in the Theory of Atomic Collisions and Spectroscopy
Video Accelerator Physics
Video Nuclear Physics: Fundamentals and Applications
Video Nuclear and Particle Physics
Video Group Theory Methods in Physics
Video Theory of Groups for Physics Applications
Video Plasma Physics: Fundamentals and Applications
Video Condensed Matter Physics
Video Neutron Scattering for Condensed Matter Studies
Video Solid State Physics (IIT Kharagpur)
Video Solid State Physics (IISER Bhopal)
Video Bonds and Bands in Solids
Video Quantum Hall Effect
Video Electronic Theory of Solids
Video Basic Electronics and Lab
Video Electronics
Video Physics of Renewable Energy Systems
Video Solar Energy Engineering and Technology
Video Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamental Technology and Applications
Video Semiconductor Optoelectronics
Video Fiber Optics
Video Physics of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Waveguides
Video Modern Optics
Video Introduction to Nonlinear Optics and its Applications
Video Optical Sensors
Video Introduction to LASER
Video Physics of Biological Systems

Wake Forest University Department of Physics
Audio/video Lectures on Various Concepts of General Physics

This contains lectures on various concepts typically covered in a general physics course: mathematical methods, conservation, rotational motion, oscillatory motion, fluids, thermodynamics, electromagnetic waves, and electronics.

Department of Physics, University of York
Video Electromagnetism and Optics

NTNU openVideo
Video TFY 4240: Electromagnetic Theory
Video TFY 4345: Classical Mechanics

Department of Physics, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Video Physics 210: General Physics I
Video Physics 220: General Physics II (Spring 2010)
Video Physics 240: Physics for Science and Engineering I
Video Physics 250: Physics for Science and Engineering II

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh
Video Calculus-based Introductory Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism

Physics Lectures by Professor William Harter, University of Arkansas
Video/text PHYS 5093: Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics
Video/text PHYS 5103: Advanced Mechanics (Fall 2016)
Video/text PHYS 5103: Advanced Mechanics (Fall 2015)

Harvard University Physics Department
Audio/video Monday Colloquium Archive
Audio/video Physics 253: Quantum Field Theory, Lectures by Sidney R. Coleman

Lectures by Tobias Osborne
Video Quantum Field Theory
Video Advanced Quantum Theory
Video Theory of Quantum Noise and Decoherence

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge
Video/text Quantum Field Theory
Video/text Supersymmetry and Extra Dimensions
Video Black Holes with Malcolm Perry

Frederic Schuller on YouTube
Video Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics
Video Lectures on Quantum Mechanics

The WE-Heraeus International Winter School on Gravity and Light
Video Gravity and Light

NPS Physics on YouTube
Video PH 1121: Classical Mechanics
Video PH 3451: Fundamental Acoustics

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Video Mathematical Physics (Carl Bender)
Video Conformal Field Theory (Jaume Gomis)
Video Condensed Matter (Assa Auerbach)
Video Explorations on Quantum Information (David Cory)
Video Quantum Theory (Joseph Emerson)
Video Quantum Field Theory I (Konstantin Zarembo)
Video Quantum Field Theory II (Francois David)
Video Explorations in Cosmology (Matthew Johnson)
Video Explorations in String Theory (Pedro Vieira)
Video Relativity (Neil Turok)
Video Statistical Mechanics (Anton Burkov)

CERN Document Server
Video/text Cosmology and Astronomy
Video/text Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Tevatron
Video/text Neutrino Physics
Video/text Particle Accelerators and their Applications
Video/text Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
Video/text Quantum Field Theory
Video/text Statistical Techniques for Particle Physics
Video/text String Theory
Video/text Supersymmetry
Video/text The Standard Model

Video lectures on string theory by Shiraz Minwalla

This contains video lectures on string theory conducted by Shiraz Minwalla, who is a professor at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai.

The High Intensity Laser Science Group - University of Texas at Austin
Video Phy 395T - High Intensity Laser-Matter Interactions

nanoHUB Courses
Video/text CQT: Concepts of Quantum Transport
Video/text Illinois Physics 498: Introduction to Biological Physics
Video/text Colloquium on Graphene Physics and Devices
Video/text Metamaterials: A New Paradigm of Physics and Engineering
Video/text Physics of Nanoscale MOSFETs
Video/text PHYS 570: Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy