Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Tevatron
This is a collection of links to video lectures related to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Tevatron from CERN, including technological challenges for the LHC, LHC physics, and Tevatron physics.
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LHC Beam Instrumentation: Beam Position and Intensity Measurements |
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By Rhodri Jones, 2014. The LHC is equipped with a full suite of sophisticated beam instrumentation which has been essential for rapid commissioning, the safe increase in total stored beam power and the understanding of machine optics and accelerator physics phenomena. These lectures will introduce these systems and comment on their contributions to the various stages of beam operation. |
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The Upgrade Programme of the LHC Detectors |
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By Werner Riegler, 2014. Overview of experiment and machine goals, some overall numbers, facts and basics. CMS and LHCb upgrade plans, with excursion into DAQ/Trigger and photon detectors. ALICE and ATLAS upgrade plans, with excursion into silicon and micropattern gas detectors. |
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The Control Systems of the Large Hadron Collider |
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By Roman Gorbonosov, 2013. The accelerator control system has been developed with the primary target being the LHC machine. The approach used was pragmatic with the overall goal to design and develop a modular system, flexible and generic enough to be extended to the other accelerators at CERN. In the front-ends, the structure and behavior of equipment software was formalised, and an object-oriented programming framework (FESA) was developed based on the resulting formal model. ... |
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LHC Operation: Past and Future |
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By Mike Lamont, 2013. After a successful first running period, LHC is now well into a two year shutdown for extensive consolidation. A pedagogical overview of the machine, its operating principles, its systems and underlying accelerator physics is presented. Performance past and future is discussed. |
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Implications of LHC Data to New Physics |
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By Alex Pomarol Clotet, 2013. In these lectures I will discuss the implications of the latest LHC experimental data to physics beyond the Standard Model. I will start discussing how LHC has been able to test certain sectors of the Standard Model at an unprecedented level, with special attention to the Higgs sector. ... |
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Predictive Monte Carlo tools for LHC physics |
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By Fabio Maltoni, 2012. Simulations of events taking place at the LHC play key role in all experimental analyses. Starting from the basics concepts of QCD, we first review how accurate predictions can be obtained via fixed-order calculations at higher orders. ... |
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Jets at Hadron Colliders |
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By Gavin Salam, 2011. These three lectures will discuss how jets are defined at hadron colliders, the physics that is responsible for the internal structure of jets and the ways in which an understanding of jets may help in searches for new particles at the LHC. ... |
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Detector Developments for High Luminosity LHC Era |
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By Arno Straessner et al., 2010. Lectures: 1. Calorimetry and Muon Spectrometers, Part I; 2. Calorimetry and Muon Spectrometers, Part II; 3. Tracking Detectors, Part I; 4. Tracking Detectors, Part II. ... |
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Statistics and Discoveries at the LHC |
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By Glen Cowan, 2010. The lectures will give an introduction to statistics as applied in particle physics and will provide all the necessary basics for data analysis at the LHC. Special emphasis will be placed on the the problems and questions that arise when searching for new phenomena. ... |
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Scenarios and Technological Challenges for a LHC Luminosity Upgrade |
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By Lyn Evans et al., 2009. Lectures: 1. Introduction to the LHC Upgrade Program and Summary of Physics Motivations; 2. The Detector Upgrade and the Requirements on the Upgrade Scenarios; 3. Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade; 4. Main Accelerator Science Challenges; 5. Main Accelerator Science Challenges. ... |
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Understanding Cross Sections at the LHC |
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By Stephen Mrenna, 2009. My lectures will focus on the theoretical and phenomenological tools that will be needed to understand the Standard Model at the LHC. Emphasis will be placed on parton shower event generators and the methodology for tuning them to data. ... |
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Commissioning of the LHC superconducting magnets systems |
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By Roberto Saban et al., 2008. Lectures: 1. Why and LHC Hardware Commissioning? Specificity and complexity of this machine; 2. The challenges for getting the nominal cryogenic conditions; 3. The challenges of powering the superconducting magnets; 4. The challenges of safely powering the superconducting magnets. ... |
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LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges |
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By A. de Roeck, 2006. LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges The upgrade of the LHC machine towards higher luminosity (1035 cm -2s-1) has been studied over the last few years. These studies have investigated scenarios to achieve the increase in peak luminosity by an order of magnitude, as well as the physics potential of such an upgrade and the impact of a machine upgrade on the LHC detectors. ... |
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A walk through the LHC injector chain |
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By Michael Benedikt et al., 2005. Proton linac, PS Booster, PS, SPS and the two transfer channels from SPS to LHC are used for LHC proton injection. The lectures will review the features of these faithful machines and underline the modifications required for the LHC era. ... |
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The LHC machine-experiment interface |
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By Stefan Tapprogge et al., 2005. This series of lectures will cover some of the major issues at the boundary between the LHC machine and the experiments: 1) The physics motivation and expectations of the experiments regarding the machine operation. 2) The LHC machine aspects. 3) The experimental areas. 4) The experiment-machine interface. ... |
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Monte Carlo generators for the LHC |
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By T. Sjostrand, 2005. These lectures describe the physics that goes into the construction of an event generator, such as hard processes, initial- and final-state radiation, multiple interactions and beam remnants, hadronization and decays, and how these pieces come together. ... |
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Particle Identification at the LHC |
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By D. Fournier, 2004. After a short introduction on specific features of hadron collisions at the LHC(proton-proton and heavy ions), particle identification in soft collisions is addressed taking examples from Alice and LHCb. ... |
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Introduction to Monte Carlos for the LHC |
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By M. Seymour, 2003. I review the principles, physics and computer implementations of the Monte Carlo event generators of importance for LHC Physics. The main topics covered are : The principles of Monte Carlo event generation; The structure of LHC events; Parton showers; Hadronization; Using PYTHIA and HERWIG; Progress towards the next generation. ... |
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LHC experimental data |
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By Pierre Van de Vyvre et al., 2003. The LHC experiments constitute a challenge in several discipline in both High Energy Physics and Information Technologies. This is definitely the case for data acquisition, processing and analysis. ... |
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Trigger and data-acquisition challenges at the LHC |
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By Paris Sphicas, 2003. We review the main requirements placed on the Trigger and Data Acquisition (DAQ) systems of the LHC experiments by their rich physics program and the LHC environment. A description of the architecture of the various systems, the motivation of each alternative and the conceptual design of each filtering stage will be discussed. ... |
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Technological challenges for the LHC |
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By Oliver Sim Brüning et al., 2003. Lectures: physics of the LHC accelerator and implications on hardware; superconducting magnets for the LHC; the LHC cryogenic system; power converter for the LHC; getting the current into the cold; LHC operation and machine protection. ... |
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The LHC machine-experiment interface |
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By Stefan Tapprogge et al., 2002. This series of three lectures will provide an overview of issues arising at the interface between the LHC machine and the experiments, which are required for guiding the interaction between the collider and the experiments when operation of the LHC commences. ... |
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Reliability issues at the LHC |
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By P. Kafka, 2002. The Lectures on reliability issues at the LHC will be focused on five main Modules on five days. Module 1: Basic Elements in Reliability Engineering Some basic terms, definitions and methods, from components up to the system and the plant, common cause failures and human factor issues. ... |
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Tracking at the LHC |
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By K. Safarik, 2001. The lecture will start with a short history of particle tracking in high-energy physics. Then we will concentrate on tracking in the LHC experiments. We will discuss various tracking devices proposed for these experiments, ... |
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Tevatron Physics Results |
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By B. Heinemann, 2007. I will summarize the physics results from the Tevatron experiments with particular emphasis on the experimental methods used in different kinds of analysis. In particular, the Tevatron is a proton-antiproton collider that has now accumulated more than 2 fb^-1 of luminosity in the two experiments, called CDF and D0. ... |
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Tevatron: The Cinderella Story or The Art of Collider Commissioning |
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By Vladimir Shiltsev, 2007. In this lecture series, we'll try to learn from the exciting story of the Tevatron Collider Run II: the story of long preparations, great expectations, initial difficulties, years of "blood and sweat", continuous upgrades, exceeding its goals, high emotions, tune-up of accelerator organization for "combat fighting". ... |
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Physics at the Tevatron |
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By B. Heinemann, 2006. Physics Results from the Tevatron : The Tevatron proton-antiproton collider at Fermilab in the US is currently the world's highest energy collider. At the experiments CDF and D0 a broad physics programme is being pursued, ranging from flavour physics via electroweak precision measurements to searches for the Higgs boson and new particles beyond the Standard Model. ... |
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Physics at the Tevatron |
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By Marjorie Shapiro, 1999. These lectures will review the current status of and future prospects for physics discoveries at the TeVatron p-antip collider. The organization is : Lecture 1 : Review of hadron collider physics and an overview of TeVatron physics, detector triggering and analysis strategies Lecture 2 : Confronting the standard model : measuring Mz and Mw CP. Lecture 3 : Understanding the CKM matrix : B hadron decays mixing and CP violation Lecture 4 : Probing new physics : searches for new phenomena at the electroweak scale. ... |