
Introduction to Algebraic Topology, Part I

Introduction to Algebraic Topology, Part I. Instructor: Prof. Anant R. Shastri, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay. This course is central to many areas in modern mathematics. The subject itself saw tremendous growth during 1950 and currently has attained a matured status. The syllabus I have chosen is common to MA5102 at IIT Bombay and AFS-III program of the National Centre for Mathematics. It has enough material common to the syllabi followed by several Universities and IITs in the country and goes beyond. Nevertheless it has a different flavour liked by a variety of students. (from


Lecture 01 - Basic Problem in Topology
Lecture 02 - Concept of Homotopy
Lecture 03 - Bird's Eye-view of the Course
Lecture 04 - Path Homotopy
Lecture 05 - Composition of Paths
Lecture 06 - The Fundamental Group
Lecture 07 - Computation of π1 (S1)
Lecture 08 - Computation Continued
Lecture 09 - Computation Continued: Some Applications
Lecture 10 - Van-Kampen's Theorem
Lecture 11 - Function Spaces
Lecture 12 - Quotient Maps
Lecture 13 - Group Actions
Lecture 14 - Examples of Group Actions
Lecture 15 - Assorted Results on Quotient Spaces
Lecture 16 - Quotient Constructions Typical to Algebraic Topology
Lecture 17 - Quotient Constructions Continued
Lecture 18 - Relative Homotopy
Lecture 19 - Construction of a Typical SDR
Lecture 20 - Generalized Construction of SDRs
Lecture 21 - A Theoretical Application
Lecture 22 - The Harvest
Lecture 23 - NDR Pairs
Lecture 24 - General Remarks
Lecture 25 - Basics of Affine Geometry
Lecture 26 - Abstract Simplicial Complexes
Lecture 27 - Geometric Realization of Simplicial Complexes
Lecture 28 - Topology on K
Lecture 29 - Simplicial Maps
Lecture 30 - More Examples of Polyhedrons
Lecture 31 - Point Set Topological Aspects
Lecture 32 - Barycentric Subdivision
Lecture 33 - Finer Subdivisions
Lecture 34 - Simplicial Approximation
Lecture 35 - Sperner Lemma
Lecture 36 - Invariance of Domain
Lecture 37 - Proof of Controlled Homotopy
Lecture 38 - Links and Stars
Lecture 39 - Homotopical Aspects of Simplicial Complexes
Lecture 40 - Homotopical Aspects Continued
Lecture 41 - Covering Spaces and Fundamental Groups
Lecture 42 - Lifting Properties
Lecture 43 - Homotopy Lifting
Lecture 44 - Relation with the Fundamental Group
Lecture 45 - Regular Covering
Lecture 46 - Lifting Problem
Lecture 47 - Classification of Coverings
Lecture 48 - Classification Continued
Lecture 49 - Existence of Simply Connected Coverings
Lecture 50 - Toward Construction of Simply Connected Coverings
Lecture 51 - Properties Shared by Total Space and Base
Lecture 52 - Examples
Lecture 53 - G-Coverings
Lecture 54 - Fibred Products and Pull-backs
Lecture 55 - Classification of G-Coverings
Lecture 56 - Proof of Classification
Lecture 57 - Pushouts and Free Products
Lecture 58 - Existence of Free Products
Lecture 59 - Free Products and Free Groups
Lecture 60 - Seifert-Van Kampen Theorems
Lecture 61 - Applications
Lecture 62 - Applications Continued

Introduction to Algebraic Topology, Part I
Instructor: Prof. Anant R. Shastri, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay. This course is central to many areas in modern mathematics.