
Economics C3: Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy

Economics C3: Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy (Spring 2012, UC Berkeley). Taught by Professor Gordon Rausser, this course introduces microeconomics with emphasis on resource, agricultural, and environmental issues. This course offers an opportunity to explore aspects of economic and political institutions that affect the development and management of natural resources and the environment. It is also known as Environmental Economics and Policy C1 (EEP C1).

Lecture 01 - What is Economics?
Lecture 03 - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
Lecture 04 - Elasticity and Its Application
Lecture 05 - Supply, Demand, and Government Policies
Lecture 06 - Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets
Lecture 07 - The Costs of Production
Lecture 08 - Competitive Market
Lecture 09 - Monopoly
Lecture 10 - Oligopoly
Lecture 11 - Externalities
Lecture 13 - Review
Lecture 14 - Revealed Preference Methods
Lecture 15 - Stated Preference Methods
Lecture 16 - Air Pollution
Lecture 17 - Rent, Property Rights, Externalities, and Public Goods
Lecture 18 - Benefit-Cost Analysis
Lecture 19 - Benefit-Cost Analysis, Government Policies for Environmental Protection
Lecture 20 - Government Policies for Environmental Protection
Lecture 21 - The Allocation of Depletable Resources
Lecture 22 - Agriculture
Lecture 23 - Water Pollution, Forests
Lecture 24 - Forests, Fisheries
Lecture 25 - Fisheries, Energy
Lecture 26 - Recyclable Resources
Lecture 27 - Toxic Substances