Computer Science and Engineering
This is a collection of audio/video courses and lectures in computer science and engineering from educational institutions around the world. The courses and lectures cover a wide variety of subjects in computer science and engineering, including algorithms, artificial intelligence, computer architecture, computer networks, data structures, machine learning, operating systems, programming languages, and software engineering.
MIT OpenCourseWare
UC Berkeley Webcast
Stanford Engineering Everywhere, Stanfordonline
Video/text | CS105 - Introduction to Computers (Autumn 2021) |
Video/text | CS106A - Programming Methodology |
Video/text | CS106B - Programming Abstractions |
Video/text | CS107 - Programming Paradigms |
Video/text | CS221 - Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques |
Video/text | CS229 - Machine Learning |
Video/text | CS229 - Machine Learning (Autumn 2018) |
Video/text | CS229 - Machine Learning (Summer 2019) |
Video/text | CS223A - Introduction to Robotics |
Video | CS224N - Natural Language Processing |
Video/text | CS224N - Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (Winter 2019) |
Video/text | CS224U - Natural Language Understanding (Spring 2019) |
Video/text | CS224U - Natural Language Understanding (Spring 2021) |
Video/text | CS224W - Machine Learning with Graphs (Winter 2021) |
Video/text | CS230 - Deep Learning (Autumn 2018) |
Video/text | CS234 - Reinforcement Learning (Winter 2019) |
Video/text | CS330 - Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning (Fall 2019) |
Video | CS547 - Human-Computer Interaction Seminar |
Harvard Extension School
Audio/video | Bits: The Computer Science of Digital Information |
Audio/video | CS 50: Introduction to Computer Science I |
Audio/video | CS E-1: Understanding Computers and the Internet |
Audio/video | CS E-7: Exposing Digital Photography |
Audio/video | CS E-75: Building Dynamic Websites |
Audio/video | CS E-76: Building Mobile Applications |
Audio/video | CS E-164: Mobile Software Engineering |
Audio/video | CS E-259: XML with Java, Java Servlet, and JSP |
Video/text | CS 224: Advanced Algorithms |
Video/text | CS 229R: Algorithms for Big Data |
Machine Learning Lectures by Nando de Freitas
Video/text | CPSC 340 - Machine Learning and Data Mining (2012, UBC) |
Video/text | CPSC 540 - Machine Learning (2013, UBC) |
Video/text | Machine Learning (2015, University of Oxford) |
Artificial Intelligence Lectures by Alan Mackworth
Video/text | CPSC 322 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (2013, UBC) |
Caltech - Learning From Data
Video/text | CS 156 - Machine Learning Course (Spring 2012) |
UC Davis Academics on YouTube
NPTEL Courses
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
Gresham College Public Lectures
Video | Computing Mathematics |
Video | Living in a Cyber-Enabled World |
University of Washington | Computer Science & Engineering
YouTube - UNSWelearning's Channel (The University of New South Wales)
Video | CS1 (COMP 1917): Higher Computing |
Video | CS2 (COMP 1927): Data Structures and Algorithms |
University of Waterloo on YouTube
Video | CS 436: Distributed Computer Systems |
Computer Science at the University of Virginia
Video/text | CS 101 - Introduction to Computer Science |
College of Engineering, Purdue University
Video/text | ECE 462 - Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ and Java |
Machine Learning Summer School @ Purdue, 2011
Video/text | A Short Course on Reinforcement Learning |
Video/text | Classic and Modern Data Clustering |
Video/text | Divide and Recombine for the Analysis of Big Data |
Video/text | Graphical Models for the Internet |
Video/text | Introduction to Machine Learning |
Video/text | Large-Scale Machine Learning and Stochastic Algorithms |
Video/text | Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks |
Video/text | Optimization for Machine Learning |
Video/text | Survey of Boosting from an Optimization Perspective |
Stony Brook University - Department of Computer Science
Audio/video | Skiena's CSE 547 Discrete Mathematics Lectures |
Audio/video | Skiena's Algorithms Lectures |
Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten on YouTube
Video | Artificial Intelligence |
Video/text | Advanced Mathematics for Engineers I |
Video/text | Advanced Mathematics for Engineers II |
Introduction to Cryptography by Christof Paar
Video/text | Introduction to Cryptography and Data Security |
ArsDigita University
Video/text | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
Video/text | Discrete Mathematics |
Video/text | How Computers Work |
Video/text | Objected-oriented Program Design and Software Engineering |
Video/text | Algorithms |
Video/text | Systems |
Video/text | Software Engineering for Web Applications |
Video/text | Theory of Computation |
Video/text | Artificial Intelligence |
Video/text | Database Management Systems |
Video/text | Applied Probability |