
Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections 3

Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections 3 is a documentary series presented by Richard Hammond, looking at the connections behind the greatest feats of engineering. In the series, Richard Hammond explores six great structures to reveal the engineering connections behind them. He examines the world's tallest building - Burj Al Arab - and reveals the engineering challenges and connections behind the building. Then he looks at the engineering connections behind the Formula 1 car, super tankers, the earthquake proof bridge Rio-Antirio bridge, NASA's Space Shuttle, and Japan's Bullet Train.

Episode 1 - Burj Al Arab

Episode 1 - Burj Al Arab
Richard Hammond checks out the world's tallest and most distinctively shaped hotel, the 320-metre-high Burj Al Arab, or Arabian Tower.

Episode 2 - Formula 1
Richard Hammond reveals the surprising engineering connections behind the Formula 1 car - inspiration drawn from a 19th-century cannon, ancient sailing boats, jet engine fan blades, etc.

Episode 3 - Super Tankers
Richard Hammond reveals the ingenious engineering required to transport one of the most potentially hazardous cargoes in the world in some of the biggest vessels afloat.

Episode 4 - The Earthquake Proof Bridge
Richard Hammond reveals how engineers made one of the longest bridges in the world earthquake-proof.

Episode 5 - The Space Shuttle
Richard Hammond reveals the engineering connections in NASA's Space Shuttle - the world's first re-usable space craft.

Episode 6 - Bullet Train
Richard Hammond reveals the surprising engineering connections between Japan's Bullet Train, the world's first high-speed train, and ancient charioteers, a crowbar, a medieval clock, the electric telegraph and a 19th-century luxury racing car.

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Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections
This looks at how engineers and designers use historic inventions and clues from the natural world in ingenious ways to develop new buildings and machines.
Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections 2
This is a six-part documentary series presented by Richard Hammond, looking at the engineering connections behind the world's most advanced structures.