

DNA is a five-part PBS documentary series that tells a brief history of DNA science - from the discovery of the double helix structure to the mapping of the human genome to the latest research. The series starts with the story of how Jim Watson and Francis Crick worked out the double helix structure of DNA. It tells about frontiers of genetic engineering, a controversy about the dangers of genetic manipulation, and the birth of the biotech industry. Then it re-assesses the story of the race to catalogue all the genes in the human genome: the Human Genome Project. It also tells applications of DNA science for medical treatment, especially curing cancers. And the series culminates with Jim Watson’s views of the future of DNA science and genetic engineering.

Episode 1 - The Secret of Life

Episode 1 - The Secret of Life
This episode explores the story about scientists took part in a race to discover the double helix structure of DNA.

Episode 2 - Playing God
This episode tells about frontiers of genetic engineering, a controversy about the dangers of genetic manipulation and the birth of the biotech industry.

Episode 3 - The Human Race
This episode is about the Human Genome Project deciphering the complete instruction manual of the human being.

Episode 4 - Curing Cancer
In this episode, applications of DNA science for medical treatment are told: curing cancers.

Episode 5 - Pandora's Box
Jim Watson tells about his views of the future of DNA science and genetic engineering.

Related Links
DNA - wikipedia
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses.
James Watson on how he discovered DNA
Nobel laureate James Watson opens TED2005 with the frank and funny story of how he and his research partner, Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA.
100 Greatest Discoveries - Genetics
This recounts thirteen important discoveries related to genetics, including Gregor Mendel's discovery of rules of heredity, and James Watson and Francis Crick's discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule.
The Ascent of Man - Generation upon Generation
This episode examines the complex code of human inheritance from the experiments of Gregor Mendel to the discoveries of today.
Cracking the Code of Life
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The Ghost in Your Genes
Biology stands on the brink of a shift in the understanding of inheritance. The discovery of epigenetics - hidden influences upon the genes - could affect every aspect of our lives.
Playing God
This is a BBC Horizon documentary presented by Adam Rutherford, looking at how US scientists created a new species called the spider-goat.
Miracle Cure? A Decade of the Human Genome
This is a BBC Horizon documentary narrated by Kelly Hunter, which follows three people who hope the mapping of the human genome will transform their lives.
How DNA Is Folded in the Cell and Why It Matters
Dr. Kondev explains the basic science of how DNA is folded up in viruses and cells and how solving this folding puzzle might affect our understanding of disease and cancer.