Abraham Lincoln: A History
Abraham Lincoln: A History is an 1890 ten-volume account of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln, written by John Nicolay and John Hay, who were his personal secretaries
during the American Civil War.
Early in his presidency, Hay and Nicolay requested and received permission from Lincoln to write his biography. In the first years after Lincoln's death, Hay and Nicolay were not encouraged
to publish such a work?Representative Isaac Newton Arnold, a Lincoln supporter, had quickly published a substantial Lincoln biography, and publishers were not eager for another.
Further, the permission of Robert Lincoln, who controlled his father's papers, would have to be gained. Lincoln's former secretaries decided to wait until they had sufficient time and money.
(from wikipedia.org)
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Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 1) Table of Contents: Lineage. Indiana. Illinois in 1830. New Salem. Lincoln in the Black Hawk War. Surveyor and Representative. Legislative Experience. The Lincoln-Stone Experience. Collapse of "The system". Early Law Practice. Marriage. The Shields Duel. The Campaign of 1844. Lincoln's Campaign for Congress. The Thirtieth Congress. A Fortunate Escape. The Circuit Lawyer. The Balance of Power. Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The Drift of Politics. Lincoln and Trumbull. The Border Ruffians. The Bogus Laws. The Topeka Constitution. Civil War in Kansas. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 2) Table of Contents: Jefferson Davis on Rebellion. The Conventions of 1856. Congressional Ruffianism. The Dred Scott Decision. Douglas and Lincoln on Dred Scott. The Lecompton Constitution. The Revolt of Douglas. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates. The Freeport Doctrine. Lincoln's Ohio Speeches. Harper's Ferry. Lincoln's Cooper Institute Speech. The Charleston Convention. The Baltimore Nominations. The Chicago Convention. Lincoln Elected. Beginnings of Rebellion. The Cabinet Cabal. From the Ballot to the Bullet. Major Anderson. The Charleston Forts. The President's Message. The Charleston Conspirators. Mr. Buchanan's Truce. The Retirement of Cass. The Senate Committee of Thirteen. The House Committee of Thirty-three. The Conspiracy Proclaimed. The Forty Muskets. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 3) Table of Contents: South Carolina Secession. Personal Liberty Bills. The Surrender Programme. Fort Sumter. A blundering Commission. The Cabinet Regime. The "Star of the West". Anderson's Truce. The Military Situation at Charleston. The National Defense. The Sumter and Pickens Truce. The Cotton "Republics". The Montgomery Confederacy. Failure of Compromise. The Constitutional Amendment. The President-elect. Stephens's Speech. Questions and Answers. Springfield to Washington. Lincoln's Secret Night Journey. Lincoln's Inauguration. Lincoln's Cabinet. The Question of Sumter. The Rebel Game. Virginia. Premier or President. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 4) Table of Contents: Fort Pickens Reinforced. The Sumter Expedition. The Fall of Sumter. The Call to Arms. The National Uprising. Baltimore. Washington in Danger. Rebellious Maryland. Texas. The Ohio Line. Missouri. Kentucky. The Confederate Military League. Civil War. European Neutrality. McClellan and Grant. Scott's Anaconda. The Advance. West Virginia. Bull Run. Congress. The Contraband. Fremont. Military Emancipation. The Army of the Potomac. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 5) Table of Contents: Hatters and Port Royal. The "Trent" Affair. The Tennessee Line. East Tennessee. Halleck. Lincoln Directs Cooperation. Grant and Thomas in Kentucky. Cameron and Stanton. Plans of Campaign. Manassas Evacuated. Fort Donelson. Compensated Abolishment. "Monitor" and "Merrimac". Roanoke Island. Farragut's Victory. New Orleans. Pea Ridge and Island No. 10. The Shiloh Campaign. Halleck's Corinth Campaign. Yorktown. From Williamsburg to Fair Oaks. Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign. The Seven Days' Battles. Harrison's landing. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 6) Table of Contents: Pope's Virginia Campaign. Mexico. Diplomacy of 1862. Meditation Declined. Signs of the Times. Emancipation Proposed and Postponed. Antietam. Emancipation Announced. The Removal of McClellan. Fredericksburg. Financial Measures. Seward and Chase. Perryville and Murfreesboro. West Virginia Admitted. Lincoln and the Churches. Military Governors. Colonization. Missouri Guerrillas and Politics. The Edict of Freedom. Negro Soldiers. Retaliation. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 7) Table of Contents: The Enrollment and the Draft. The Lincoln-Seymour Correspondence. Du Pont before Charleston. Chancellorsville. Preludes to the Vicksburg Campaigns. The Campaign of the Bayous. Grant's May Battles in Mississippi. The Invasion of Pennsylvania. Gettysburg. Vicksburg. Port Hudson. Vallandigham. The Defeat of the Peace Party at the Polls. Maximillian. Fort Wagner. Prisoners of War. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 8) Table of Contents: Conspiracies in the North. Habeas Corpus. The March to Chattanooga. Chickamauga. Chattanooga. Burnside in Tennessee. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Missouri Radicals and Conservatives. The Line of the Rapidan. Foreign Relations in 1863. Olustee and the Red River. The Pomeroy Circular. Grant General-in-Chief. The Wilderness. Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor. Arkansas Free. Louisiana Free. Tennessee Free. Maryland Free. Missouri Free. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 9) Table of Contents: Sherman's Campaign to the Chattahoochee. The Cleveland Convention. Lincoln Renominated. The Resignation of Mr. Chase. The Wade-Davis Manifesto. The Last Days of the Rebel Navy. Early's Campaign against Washington. Horace Greeley's Peace Mission. The Jaquess-Gilmore Mission. Mobile Bay. The Chicago Surrender. Atlanta. Sheridan in the Shenandoah. Cedar Creek. Cabinet Changes. Lincoln Reelected. Chase as Chief-Justice. Petersburg. Reconstruction. The March to the Sea. |
Abraham Lincoln: A History (Volume 10) Table of Contents: Franklin and Nashville. The Albemarle. Fort Fisher and Wilmington. The Thirteenth Amendment. Blair's Mexican Project. The Hampton Roads Conference. The Second Inaugural. Five Forks. Appomattox. The Fall of the Rebel Capital. Lincoln in Richmond. Johnston's Surrender. The Capture of Jefferson Davis. The Fourteenth of April. The Fate of the Assassins. The Mourning Pageant. The End of Rebellion. Lincoln's Fame. |