We welcome your visit to our website. We hope that this website will become one of your favorite bookmarks. It's a place where you can enjoy some time watching documentary films, open lectures from educational institutions or reading the latest news.
Visions of Europe: Scotland |
InfoCoBuild.com features Free Education, a collection of open lectures in a variety of subjects including mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering. Another feature of the site is on Books and Films - films based on books, books related to films.
Free Education
Audio/video Courses | Public Lectures and Events | Learn Through Videos
This section is a collection of links to websites providing audio/video courses and lectures from educational
institutions and contains most academic subjects including physics, mathematics, biology, computer science, electrical engineering, law, and history.
Books and Films
Browse Alphabetically | Browse by Category
Books and Films is a place where you can find films based on books, books related to films, and web documents related to the books or films.
Selected Videos
Featured Videos | Science & Education Videos | Documentary Films | World News Live
Even though videos about science and technology make up a large portion of it, this section consists of several
topics and the selected videos are enough to entertain your eyes and ears.
Learning Languages
English | Japanese | Korean
Very helpful links which content can be used as complementary material when learning English, Japanese,
and Korean.
Fun Brain Games
Crosswords | Sudoku
This section contains crosswords for educational quizzes and brain teasers, and Sudoku puzzles for the people
who enjoy playing with numbers.
Radio Services
Art and Music | Sports | Business | Public Radio Stations
Radio stations about art and music, sports, and business, as well as public radio stations from around the
world. You can listen to BBC, NPR, KQED, RTE, CBC, ABC, Radio New Zealand, etc.
News Media
Broadcasting | Newspapers and Magazines | Business |
Science and Technology | Sports
Providing a large collection of news meida links from broadcasting news channels to newspapers and
magazines to business journals and science magazines. It covers all kinds of regional and international news
and information from around the world.
Useful Websites
Life and Health | How-To Websites | e-Knowledge Resources
| Internet Search Engines
e-Knowledge resources can help you quench your thirst for knowledge, Life And Health offers tips and information
for a healthy lifestyle, and How-To websites tells you how to do about everything from everyday life.
Free Software
Web Browser | Media Player | Free Office Suite
| Java.com
It brings a collection of free software links including web browser, media player, free office suite
such as Google Docs and OpenOffice, and so on.